Woman, Live!

My 1st Blogger Award — Just Call Me Mrs. Versatile!



Rebekah of Surviving Toddlerhood nominated me for The Versatile Blogger award. Thanks, Rebekah! I feel super honored!

At first glance, Rebekah and I are so very different. She’s a SAHM who baby wears and cloth diapers and homeschools. I’m a stroller-pushing, Pampers & Huggies using, “Have a great day at school, Honey!”, working momma in the throes of launching my dream career. But, as I browse her blog, I realize under the surface, we are two women who love God, our husbands, and our children. Oh, and don’t forget blogging! Some of my favorite articles from her are:

Can you tell I’m hoping to VBAC? Yep. That’s the hope.

I’ve never been to Michigan, but I hope to cross paths with Rebekah one day! She seems like one cool and devoted mother & wife! I’d be interested to know what she likes to do for herself/by herself (or with her girlfriends!). Do tell, Rebekah!

So, these blog awards have rules (or so I’ve been told). Each one has similar rules, but they are all a little different. Here are the rules for this award:

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
  2. Tell seven random facts about yourself.
  3. Pay it forward to thirteen versatile bloggers. (Whoa! This is a lot.)

Random Facts: 

  1. I am (still) Michael Jackson’s #1 fan. (Don’t try to challenge this. Just let me have the title.)
  2. I love trying new things.
  3. I’m really competitive while playing Taboo.
  4. I love to sing.
  5. I loath shallow relationships.
  6. I’d be a better wife and mother if I had a king-size bed, steaming hot shower, and more storage space.
  7. Iced cold sweet tea in a mason jar makes my soul happy.

To be honest, I don’t get to read other’s blogs very often because I’m so busy maintaining and growing my own! And, I didn’t want to nominate someone who gets 500,000 views per day! I wanted to put on a blogger that may not be well known, but most definitely should be. With the exception of my #1 nominee, just finding my nominees took me about 3 days. THREE DAYS!!! But, I was so excited about this award and following the rules that I searched until I had a list of blogs that I could get lost in. When you look up and realize, “Oh man! I need to start dinner!” that’s a dog-gone good blog!

I’m confident that you will love these blogs just as much as I do! And, without further ado, here are my nominees!

Nominees (in no particular order): 

  1. Think & Grow Chick
  2. The Alisha Nicole
  3. My Everyday Power
  4. Brooklyn Active Mama
  5. Toned and Fit
  6. Be Free Project
  7. Into Mind
  8. Daree’s Insights
  9. I Quit My Job And Moved To Guam
  10. Creativity Arise
  11. Not Your Dirty Underwear
  12. Fit With Fallon
  13. Today I Will Be Fit


Let me know which blogs you’ll be adding to your feed! I know there are more than a couple on here that you’re sure to love!

Rebekah, I can’t thank you enough for my first blogger award! Eeeeeeek!!!


God bless, everyone!

16 thoughts on “My 1st Blogger Award — Just Call Me Mrs. Versatile!

  1. I would love to meet you someday in person!! 🙂
    When my girlfriends and I go out we like to talk the night away. We usually go to dinner, walk around a mall and then go get coffee and talk until midnight. On the in betweens of those nights out we have coffee playdates every once in a while. 🙂
    A VBAC is totally possible for you Brandi!! I would love to talk to you more about a VBAC and your options. 🙂
    I will get through these blogs as fast as I can. I can’t wait to meet all of these bloggers!


    • I’d love to “talk the night away”. Reminds me of my college years.

      I know the c-section cut will determine my chances of delivering vaginally and I don’t remember what the doctor said, so…we’ll see.

      I’m interested to know which blog(ger) you’re going to really love (if any)!

      Talk soon!


  2. Congratulations!!!! you realllllllyyyyyy deserve this award! your writing skills are amazing!!!! I love you Brandi Hawthorne!!!!!


  3. Pingback: Reflective Questions You Should NEVER Stop Asking Yourself | Woman, Live!

  4. Pingback: My First Blogger Award + 7 Things You Didn't Know About Me - Think & Grow Chick

  5. Thanks Brandi for nominating me, this is super sweet of you! This will be my first blog award too, thanks to you! What a great way to spread the blogger love, no?


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