Woman, Live!

Meet The Creator: Joanna Joy of The Purple Life {Interview}



A few weeks ago, I participated in Hustle from the Heart: A Free 5 Day Challenge for Bloggers, Solopreneurs & Side Hustlers. Hustle from the Heart was created by founder of The Colored Girl Confidential, LC Johnson. I’m not sure how I heard about it, but I’m pretty sure it was from the grapevine of Twitter. I don’t want to give away LC’s secrets, but I will say that if you’re trying to determine who your client/reader/audience is, who they are not, what you offer, and create a will you be a part of my tribe letter, HFTH is for you.

Everyday we had to answer a question (via the HFTH Facebook group) and LC (and other HFTH participants) would provide helpful feedback. As I was seeing the heart of these women, I thought Wow! They are going for it! They are on the road to living out their passions and perhaps their G0d-given purpose. This is what Woman, Live! is all about. 

I wanted to assist them by featuring them and their up & coming blog/business/service on Woman, Live! And, I wanted to assist you by introducing you to their blog/business/service BUT more importantly, introducing you to a woman who is GOING AFTER WHAT SHE WANTS! I don’t care what anyone says, when people see others swim into the deep water, it gives them permission to wade just a little deeper.

Consider this YOUR permission. 


Today we’re diving into the expressive, detailed, and carefully crafted life of Joanna Joy. <—I don’t know Joanna, but knowing she’s an artist, I imagine her whole existence as a painting to be admired and studied. (Correct me if I’m wrong, Joanna!)

Be warned, I know jack-squat about art. (Translation: NOTHING.)Half the terms Jonna describes herself with I had to look up in the dictionary. (I’m not ashamed.) But, as I browsed pieces of art Joanna refers to as art-gasms, I found myself saying, “This is the kind of art I want in my kitchen….bedroom….bathroom…” Even as I type this, I feel free….I feel like the artist of my life, free to create any masterpiece I want. (Yeah, that feels nice.) Thanks, Joanna.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to the creative talent, Joanna Joy!


new blog pic


  1. Who is Joanna Joy?

I am Joanna Joy; curator, visual librarian, surrealist, unicorn, feminist, self-love advocate, 90s enthusiast and proud mom. I curate a visual diary called The Purple Life that inspires creativity and guides the reader to view art from different perspectives.

  1. I loved your entrepreneurial spirit during Hustle from the Heart. When did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

It was a point of my life when I was working where I always wanted to work and doing really well, and then it hit me: there needs to be more. I need more. And I gave birth to my entrepreneurial spirit.

  1. My readers have shared that they find it hard to dream. Often times, their dreams and ideas were squelched at a young age. What motivates you to keep working toward your goals?

My relationship between Me, Myself and I. I find that the struggle many of us face is integrity with ourselves. We let ourselves down and when this happens we grow weeds of self-doubt in our consciousness which push us backwards instead of forwards.

  1. I tried to pursue everything but my dream until I just couldn’t run anymore. Did that happen to you?

Yes, I use to be horrible at saying No. When projects would come up that had nothing do with my interests what so ever but, it was for a friend or a friend-of-a-friend, I would jump at it. I started feeling overwhelmed from doing things I didn’t even really want to do. When I started saying no, my internal schedule opened completely for my dreams.

  1. So, tell us about The Purple Life.

The Purple Life is a visual diary of Art, Culture and Narratives. It gives Art the space to reveal the hidden story that is developed within our own consciousness when viewing art. It plays homage to unhinged, insane creative females who believe in embracing their unique qualities and not giving in to society standards.

The Purple Life also offers Public Speaking services of which I facilitate workshops and seminars called Self Exhibit: Learn to Embrace your Art and Show it off and You, the Canvas: Getting your Career and Wardrobe set-up. And it also, offers Costume Research service where I offer businesses and individuals costume reference assistance for productions or projects.

  1. What kind of woman would love ­­The Purple Life?

Woman who seek out inspiration in the most normal to out-of-this-world places. They are individualist, non-conformist and eclectic goddesses who believe that there is more to art than meets the eye. They are living their life in pursuit of their Narrative…because when you find the narrative, you find the art!

  1. Where can we find you on the web?

Just about everywhere:

Blog: www.thepurplelife.ca

Instagram: the_purplelife

Twitter: @the_purplelife

Pinterest: thepurplelife

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/thepurplelifecommunity

  1. What’s one piece of advice you would give a woman who wants to go after her dreams, but feels stuck?

First let me say, if you are aware that you are stuck then you need to celebrate yourself right now. There are many people who don’t realize they are stuck. Awareness is growth. Next, you need to address the elements or habits that are causing you to feel stuck. Make a game plan to address these things and stick to it! Remember to honor yourself by keeping your word.


Joanna Joy is currently a visual installer creating visual displays and set-ups within stores. Her educational background is Fashion Arts with a post-grad in Costume Studies for Film and Television. She has spent many years in the fashion industry as a treatment writer, costumer and head of costume department. Majority of her time is taken up by her six year old daughter but, in-between her daughter, work and her blog, The Purple Life, she volunteers at her city’s textile museum and takes part-time art courses. She is currently working on curating her first exhibit under her blog.


Here are some pieces of art I love from The Purple Life Community page…







I hope you were inspired! Until next time, ladies!




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